Hvidt & Mølgaard on Classicdesign.it
Peter Hvidt and Orla Mølgaard-Nielsen, founders of Copenhagen-based Hvidt & Ṁơlgaard studio, were pioneers of Danish mid-century design.
Hvidt & Ṁølgaard over the years, have established a simple and precise aesthetic by designing countless pieces of furniture, many of which have become icons of the era, among them definitely to be remembered the AX chair (made in 1950) which represents a seminal moment for the pair. The smooth and tightly controlled silhouette of this chair secure their stance as leaders of Danish modernism and the use of laminated wood allowed mass scale production and thus export internationally. This forward-thinking approach to industrialized production has paved the way for a new movement that has drawn on classic craftsmanship techniques to make affordable, beautifully crafted home furnishings.
Today their works by Hvidt & Mølgaard are exhibited at MoMA, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the National Gallery in Melbourne and the Design Museum in Copenhagen.