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Riflessi Carpet - design Gio Ponti - Amini

Riflessi Carpet design Gio Ponti brand Amini


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Riflessi sarpet designed by Gio Ponti for Design Icons Collection of Amini is completely handknotted with 30% pure silk and 70% Tibetan wool (hand spun wool hand carded), height 7 mm. Quality: 120,000 knots/sqm. The carpets are hand washed, clipped and carved. The fringes are revolved on the backside and covered with cloth. The size 200x300 is only available in the Grey model.


Gio Ponti designs forms like diamond facets that reflect and break light up to create layers of angular transparent shapes for a modern and sophisticated rug. Masterworks such as Tibetan wool and natural silk varieties are more than just furnishing accessories as they bring into our homes a feeling of harmony and a sense of proportion struck by the perfect balance between design, shape and color. Decorations whose aura of timeless classics hark back to the many defining moments of Ponti’s extraordinary artistic development. These include the “Labirinto” pattern, or the essential geometrically shaped patterns, and finally, another Ponti trademark are the free form, delicately woody, floral sprays known as “brushstrokes” which often decorated his letters. The still ongoing exchange with the Studio Ponti was the natural step of a process undertaken by those who believe in a project and are determined to go all the way, a natural choice coming from a company whose goal is to undermine lazy clichés and grapple with difficult challenges. And Ferid Amini does not hide his desire to approach some fragments of Ponti’s oeuvre, showing his extraordinary design skills, with the humbleness of the scholar, but also with the entrepreneur’s ambition to reinterpret them through unique carpets with inimitable designs. The great harmony and sense of measure, born from the balance between design, shapes and colors are the hallmarks of the furnishing complements from the Gio Ponti collection. Tibetan wool and natural silk masterpieces that regale homes with the sober elegance imbued by the Milanese master into virtually all aspects of his twentieth-century projects. The Design Icons collection represented by Masters. While different with regard to generation, training, experience, and legacy, what unites them is a self-same project: a kind of unfettered, personal quest, indeed, a search for the discovery and development of a dynamic and multifaceted modernity. Masters without limiting their investigation, they have dabbled with all kinds of artistic and technical forms – painting, architecture, design, applied arts, publishing, film and photography.

Starting price (VAT included): € 11.712,00

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